("What?" you say. "Creeping about in the cellar isn't exciting? What about the terrible thrill of will-it-fit on an epic scale? My adrenaline is already pumping!"
Well. There's exciting and then there's exciting.)
So, direkte fra Danmark... B!
"As you would probably imagine, lots has happened since I arrived here in Ã…rhus. I finished my first full week of work, moved into my summer apartment, did paperwork, made lots of trips to my bank, and watched Denmark’s World Cup game in a bar full of excited Danes.
First off, the apartment. I got to move in earlier than expected, which turned out to be last Sunday. I like it a lot! It has a very nice feel to it, and is very conveniently located. I’m two doors down from a bakery, there’s a little grocery store within a couple of blocks, and a really nice forest a very short walk away. It’s about 15-20 minutes’ walk from the University too.
The street. See the bakery?
The forest.
Work has been pretty good as well. I spent the week mostly reading and getting up to speed on what is going on around here. I got my new computer on Friday, so I feel like I can forge ahead on getting my data analysis set up now. I have two different projects to get going on, while hopefully making time for some leftover stuff from Berkeley as well.
The work.
Wow. Look at how much this expat has learned already! I, E, am tremendously impressed--did anyone else notice he can type fancy Danish letters now? And I vow to find a video of Danish soccer songs to share with you as soon as possible.
Til then, hej hej!
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