Last month, E and I took a spur-of-the-moment, quick trip to London! Plane tickets are cheap, and our friend J (who recently moved to London) had offered to host us, so we grabbed the opportunity. Now, when I say that plane tickets are cheap, it's important to realize just how cheap we are talking. I don't remember the final total (do you, E?), but I do remember that the ticket price for the return trip was 5 dkk (that's about $0.95). There are fees and stuff on top of that, of course, but still!
We had a really nice trip. We hadn't seen J in a while, and it was great to catch up with him a bit. Plus, we got some good game-playing and Indian-food-eating in. We also saw some sights! Here are a few of my favorite pictures from the trip.
Hvor var det dog spændende at til at besøge J in London! Maske skal vi rejse igen i Storbritanien i vinteren. Og jeg skal også sige, at dine billeder er meget smuk! Fint gjordt, B!