Danes are pretty into the Danish flag--the Dannebrog--and decorate in red and white every chance they get. So if you go to your local Tiger (think Target, but smaller and more Danish) to buy wrapping paper and party supplies, everything will be red, or white, or have the flag printed on it. This is actually super-efficient, since it means you can use that wrapping paper or set of fancy napkins for any event at all. Birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas, handball tournaments, you name it, the Danish flag will be there.

You can tell we're feeling very Danish lately since we still have the flags up. Actually, B's parents are visiting next week, so we thought the flags could stay for a while. Danes even take little flags to the airport and wave them at their arriving friends and family members, so we'll be in good company. Besides, we had another mini-celebration....

Also, it's snowing again!
OK, I am really really really late commenting on this post, but I LOVE the sweater! And I love that Danes love their flag! Keep the insights coming - I would have never known that otherwise! :-)