And the Danes know that Jul would not be any fun without nisser! Nisser are like gnomes, or elves, I guess we would say in English. But not Lord of the Rings-type elves, sort of short and stocky and wrinkly and funny elves.
Full-grown, they are about the size of a 10-year-old child, and resemble old people. But they are energetic and will help out with farm and household chores, although they also love small practical jokes! Nisser also keep busy with playing cards and smoking pipes.
Now the thing is, regular nisser live alone, one per human farm or household. But Christmas nisser get to get married and have families, and they are the special helpers of Julmanden, helping him to distribute gifts wherever they should go.
So as you can see, it's much more fun to be a Julnisse, and especially at this time of year.

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