Wednesday, December 7, 2011

December 7th--Advent at ADAFT!

When it's cold and wet and dark outside, you need something spicy and warm inside. Something like gløgg.

Gløgg. It just sounds so Danish, doesn't it?

It's kind of like hot spiced cider or mulled wine, but it's actually stronger and has even more stuff in it. Here's an authentic Danish recipe, which I have translated for the non-Danish speaking among you.


1/4 liter water
75 cl red wine
75 grams raisins
50 grams peeled and chopped almonds
1/2 dl rum or port
3-4 tsp. sugar
1 whole cinnamon stick
3 whole cloves
1 orange
1 lemon

Peel the fruits and slice the peels into thin strips. Put them in a pot with the spices, sugar, and water. Simmer for 10 minutes or so. Strain. Add the juice of the fruits, the raisins, almonds, and wine. Heat through, but do not boil. Just before serving, add the rum or port.

PS--I'm giggling to myself imagining all you faithful readers trying to say "gløgg!"

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