Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Uncharted Territory

She's here!  The Daring Duo is proud to present our tiny daughter, C!  She is two weeks old, and already a real pipperoo.

C was born on October 17th at 2:36 AM, weighing in at 3.2 kilos, and 50 cm long.  By now she's picked up a little extra length and a few extra grams to go with that.  B and I think she's pretty great--and we're excited for the biggest adventure we've ever had together.

The Daring Duo heads off to the hospital, childless for the last time.
There she is!  Feisty already.
But sleepy too.
B is the best.

Gearing up for C's first outdoor adventure!

B takes the pram out for a spin

Monday, October 8, 2012


Sometimes Danes are funny.  This is a post about that.

1.  You may recall that Danes are really into "coziness," or hygge, as it's known in Danish.  Anything can be cozy, from a dinner party to an apartment to a cafe or market or neighborhood.  Blockbuster (yes, the American video rental store) has caught on to this.  Every day we walk past the Blockbuster store on the way to work, and we get to see all the posters with their Danish slogan:

Blockbuster: Vildt hyggeligt!
Blockbuster:  Wildly cozy!

2.We've written before about how Danes love bikes.  Here's a (totally not comprehensive) list of things we have seen Danes do on bikes.

    carry 2x4s home
    carry floor lamps home
    hold open umbrellas over their heads
    hold hands with other bicyclists
    talk on cell phones
    text on cell phones
    drag rolling suitcases
    drive another bike at the same time
    eat an ice cream cone
    ignore traffic signs  (it's the only time!  God help you if you do it on foot!)

 3.  We've also mentioned before how Danes love scarves.  And weird haircuts.  Well, turns out we're not the only ones who've noticed this.  Check out the link below, "How to Look Like a Dane."  Completely accurate and verified by actual Danes.