Friday, December 4, 2015

December 4--Advent at ADAFT 2015!

This time of year, when Denmark is shrouded in darkness and the night is nearing 17 hours long, we become very aware of how Danes light their houses. Here are some rules you can follow if you want to light your home like a Dane:

1) Hang a lamp about 12 inches (sorry! 30 cm) above your dining table. It should feel like part of the table setting. You'll know you have it at a good level when you can't see the person sitting across the table from you.

2) When choosing a lamp, people often wonder how much they should spend. Like an engagement ring, a good rule of thumb is two month's salary. (Don't believe me?)

3) When all the lights in a room are on, you should just be able to identify your spouse from across the room. If it's possible to read a book at every location in the room, it's too bright, and not cozy enough. Americans often mistakenly believe that the purpose of indoor lighting is to be able to see things. Danes know that the purpose is to create coziness. Being able to see things is a nice but expendable side effect.

Alternatives, if you are a cheapskate:

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