Sunday, December 16, 2012

December 16--Advent at ADAFT 2012!

We've been a little bit lax about bringing you Danish Christmas traditions this year, but there's one today and one scheduled for tomorrow.  Plus one down the road from the Scandinavegan!

Today we bring you the marzipan pig, or marcipangris, as it's locally known.


Marzipan pigs are supposed to be good luck, so you'll see them in all the shops around here at this time of year.  They might be a hostess gift, a treat for kids, or most commonly, a prize for finding the almond in the Christmas rice pudding.  (Stay tuned for the Scandinavegan's take on rice pudding later this month!)

Sometimes they're chocolate-covered!

And sometimes just cute.

I just think they're fun. 


  1. This is absolutely awesome. I want one! And by the way - I blew bubbles and danced crazily the other day. That made me smile, too.

  2. Ooh, maybe if you come to Denmark one will find its way to you!

    PS--the rye tortillas are weirdly tasty!
